Our services:
A few examples:
MbSE Adoption Support
The adoption to (Model-based) Systems Engineering requires a good understanding of standards (e.g. necessary elements of SysML), a methodology to set up architectural models and a tool that supports both easy modeling of standards and the methodology. We offer coaching, trainings and knowledge transfer for all of these tasks according to your needs.
(AI-based) Model Analysis
We analyze and assess the current state of your system architectures. An automatic model evaluation performs quality measures based on well-defined KPIs. A corresponding systematic analysis of the current situation and a goal-oriented, measurable approach prepares for a reasonable MbSE adoption.
Variant Management
Variability enables your company to target and structure a broad set of customer requirements. A proper engineering method enables you to handle the complexity that is introduced through variant management while still maintaining re-usable artifacts.
Tool Customizations
A successful MbSE adoption requires a strong relationship between an engineering method, the standards used (e.g. SysML) and proper tooling. Tool customization can leverage the engineering process, when supporting the engineering method, especially, when they are combined with company-specific analysis. We customize your tool to fit your engineering goals.